Monday, November 5, 2012

I Love You, Mom

I know it's been awhile, but before I return to my regular posts, I wanted to say goodbye to my mother, who lost her long battle with cancer on October 3. She was more than just my mother, she was a best friend. She was a parent to my brother and myself, a daughter to my grandmother, who lost her battle to cancer many years before, a wife to my father and a friend to all who knew her. Goodbye Mom, I love you, I'll remember you and I'll miss you forever...

My Mom & I

My Mom (before she was my Mom) & a friend

I miss you Mom...


Waterrose said...

awww...hugs to you. my husband lost his mom in's been a difficult couple of months.

Green Monkey said...

thank you for sharing pictures of your mom. i hate cancer.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Waterrose. It is a difficult time, sending hugs back to you and your husband.
Thank you, Monkey. I hate cancer, too.