Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Things They don't tell you...

Really! Why don't they tell you these things, so you'll be prepared...

I guess these things don't happen to everyone & there's nothing you can do to change them, but at least they wouldn't be a complete surprise, if you had a bit of warning. Just some random thoughts. What are some things you wish THEY told you?


Debbie @ OtRD said...

No! My feet are already too big!!

Susan said...

yes your feet widen when pregnant because your gait changes as your pelvis expands.

The hair thing is different for everyone, I actually lost some of my natural wave with each child, and my hair got darker after each child.

The fingers only get bigger if you have gained a lot of weight or are retaining fluid (usually the last 2 months)...they do go back if you lose the weight.

your boobs will get bigger also, and even bigger if you breast feed, MOST people's kind of shrink back almost to their old size when they are done nursing within a few months.
Some ladies stay a little bigger, but all of us are saggier.

Unknown said...

It is different for everyone...

Unknown said...

Hair also tends to get darker & thicker as you get older (& just before it turns gray). In some people, it gets straighter, but just like not all men go bald, it can be different depending on a number of factors.
A lot of us don't lose all the weight after a pregnancy, so the fingers, like everything else, don't go back to the same size. You just don't think about your fingers getting bigger.
The feet thing, as Susan says, is due to the physical changes that happen to your body & those just don't spring back to the same size.
Are there any things you wish you'd known, ahead of time, so you wouldn't have been surprised?

Dorkys Ramos said...

Oh I can attest to the curls, but I love them! I used to have long frizzy hair when I was little, but then developed cute, springy curls once I reached college. I just thought it was all that gel I used in high school!

Robin Norgren, M.A, R-YT, Spiritual Director said...

oh yes- the curly hair! I thought it was just me!

My thing I wish someone told me: The obstacles in life are NEVER GOING AWAY!

chele said...

I wish someone would have told me how difficult it would be to let go of my kids once they got older.

Neena said...

I know that kids don't come with an instruction manual, they told me that. But they didn't tell me that once you figure the instructions out - they change, almost daily!

Becki said...

Oh my gosh NO KIDDING! My feet have gotten wider with every pregnancy and now I knit socks. That's a rather off the wall statement, isn't it?

Anyway, I was sizing a sock that I had knit the other day, and I couldn't fit it over the heel and instep of the foot. The leg simply wouldn't stretch that far. What the heck? Seriously? I wanted to cry, frogged the whole project and started over with an acrylic yarn, which is slightly thicker and therefor is knitting up bigger.

As for the hair... I thought I was alone in this one. Seriously thought I was lone. My sister kept trying to style my hair before I gave up and decided to grow it as long as it will grow. I'd been straightening it, but that just made it break. So now I've just got to accept it along with the occasional gray!

Chennifer said...

WHAT??!!! the feet never go back to the same??? what about my shoe collection?? not I'm pregnant, but I'm looking forward to it... no one ever told me this... I think I need a drink...and a new pair of shoes...

Waterrose said...

yes, I had perfectly straight hair and ever since I now have waves! but it's good, gave my hair more body.

also, not just related to being pregnant...you nose continues to grow all of your life! eeck!

Unknown said...

Yes, I now have the "spiral perm" that I wanted (& that didn't work out) when I was younger...without the perm part.

And who wants bigger feet & noses!

Kendra said...

Love this post! I just had a baby and it is so true!!!

Dropped in from blogfrog!
