Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday Words

Interesting quote, what do you think? Is life what we make it? There are things, I think that are out of our control, but then again it's not the situation, it's what we make of the situation that is the fabric that makes up our 'life quilt.' SAM

* I don't think that "Post-It Tuesday" is still going on so I think I'll do a Wednesday Words & change the post-it to a frame. I got to like the post-it thing, but I think I should do something different. I hope you like this feature just as much. 


Claudya Martinez said...

The Post- It Tuesdays are still going on, I just checked. You just have to click on another link to get to it.

I think that quote is pretty right on. Not in terms of us being able to control it, but of what we choose to do with what we are given.

Unknown said...

Thanks for letting me know, maybe I'll do both...

Cindy said...

Thank u for stopping by my blog. I see you are a crafty chica :-) if you ever get to post some photos of your work in progress let me know..PS I'm off to visit your etsy site.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for stopping by yesterday! your comment was so sweet! I sure hope your weekend is GREAT! I am off to check out some more of your blog and check out your etsy site!

Goodnight moon said... absolutely is what we make it!!!!!

I'm stopping by from SITS!

I have a FREE giveaway on my blog. Come by and check it out. Your gonna LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!!

Unknown said...

It's a good thought, I'm a pessimist, so that's hard to live by. Things happen on their own, I know you can handle them however you choose, but sometimes its so hard to think that way, especially when things are out of our control. :)

Stopping from SITS.

Rebecca said...

Great quote!
Happy SITS Shearfest!

Brenda Salzano said...

I love your vintage earrings. The sentimental value is the treasure! I like things that have meaning, maybe we all do. Nice photo of them too!